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Milieux at Rencontres Interdisciplinaires 2024!

2024-03-25 - 2024-03-28

The Milieux Institute is proud to announce the participation of several of its members in Rencontres Interdisciplinaires. Organized by Hexagram, Rencontres Interdisciplinaires tackles current research-creation discussions through the prism of a specific theme. For this 3rd edition, discussions will focus on the theme of agency·ies 

After the recent discoveries in the fields of biotechnology, AI, robotics and environmental sciences, among others, new questions about interactions between human and more-than-humans have emerged.  

Those new interactions highlight new forms of agency that raise questions not only about our relationship with the world, but also challenge artists and researchers’ anthropocentric posture. In this context, participants will reflect on how research-creation offers new modes of engagement with agents, materials and objects that oscillate between art and science? 

During those 4 days, Milieux’s members will take part in round tables, conferences, demonstrations and workshops to put forward singular research-creation approaches that highlight the capacities of objects, whether human or non-human. 


Learn more about the event here. 

Image credit: Jean-Ambroise Vesac, modifié avec autorisation de l’artiste.


WHEN: March 25-28, 2024 

WHERE: UQÀM | Agora du Coeur des Sciences (behind the President-Kennedy Pavilion) 

                175, Av. Du Président-Kennedy 

                Tiohtià:ke | Moonyiyang | Montréal H2X 3P2 

                Metro Place-des-arts, Bus 55, 80 




UQAM | Agora du coeur des sciences
175, Av. du Président-Kennedy
Montréal, Quebec H2X3P2 Canada