The Game, 5

Gaming The Situation of Making a Life1, or, GAMERella 2021

It begins as a fucked up eulogy for someone I didn’t know and that I’d like to but now it’s too late, you know?

Next there is the reading on loss by this person to navigate the loss of this person.
Then there are the parallels between death and life.

After that we have the real and simulacra.

(Alexander muttering crassness under his breath to mitigate the horrible solemnity of the occasion.)
A deep red is appropriate, it is positively cried for! And then there is the potato peeling, and then there is the too hot to eat in the final film. But what about

What about making something new instead of ruminating on what has already passed?
Instead, let us consider the Imaginary and its curative/revolutionary properties;
“L’opposé du jeu n’est pas le sérieux, mais… la réalité.”

“… gaming the situation of making a life,”
Habit-forming as spearheading (therein lies the sameness).

There one is, drinking coffee,
There is one, looking at oneself,
Making the self through the platform and no longer constituted by/for/against the other. ( and his own games and destruction)

And it comes back to our shared friend, and then the possibility of making new ones.

GAMERella Game Jam Global Edition, July 9th to the 11th

1For Example, Lauren Berlant,

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