In this workshop Biologist & Artist Nathalie Dubois-Calero will be teaching DIY methods she developed for the micro-propagation of plants and vegetables from infertile or ‘protected’ samples. By controlling hormone levels during the propagation, we will also be able to affect the growth patterns of the plants, allowing for the creation of unusual plant morphologies.
Her processes will allow the individual to create their own menagerie of plants from ‘protected’ samples and samples rendered infertile through specific breeding or genetic modification and regain some space in a field where we are only allowed to be a passive consumer.
Though we will be working in the sterile lab environment, these techniques can be employed outside the lab using relatively common kitchen equipment in the home. The hope is to bring these skill-sets out of the lab environment and into the hands of everyone, provoking discussions regarding genetic-modification, gene-copyright and corporate control of our food sources.
*This workshop has no pre-requisite skill set and is open to all Milieux Research clusters.
** Please email: to register for this workshop, including ‘Cloning Plants’ in the subject line.