Led by Darian Stahl, Participatory Media Cluster
In this artist’s book workshop, participants will learn about the intersecting histories of medicine and bookmaking, contemporary artists working in thisSelect an area to comment on medium, and then receive hands-on guidance in the creation of their very own artist’s book.
This combination of fine art and book object creates a vehicle for sensory communication between the artist and each attentive reader.In this artist’s book workshop, participants will learn about the intersecting histories of medicine and bookmaking, contemporary artists working in this medium, and then receive hands-on guidance in the creation of their very own artist’s book.
Participants first create a guided list of sensory descriptors to begin thinking metaphorically about a bodily sensation. After crafting a hand-folded book, participants can then choose any way of transforming their book to convey their sensory lists. While writing can didactically express one’s inner thoughts, creating a book allows for tacit communication through its very form: the size, shape, number of pages, how those pages turn, level of completion, partial destruction, and even its scent can all convey meaning in excess of its words.
We then conclude with a voluntary round-table discussion and interpretation of the works created. This combination of fine art and book object creates a vehicle for sensory communication between the artist and each attentive reader.