The Milieux Institute is proud to announce the participation of several of its members in Hexagram’s curated imprints pavilion at this year’s Ars Electronica festival. Located in the city of Linz, this “garden” (as the pavilions are defined by Ars) will be accessible to attendants from all over the world from September 6 to 10, 2023, widening the audience scope for Milieux members’ research-creation, presentations, workshops and more.
Alice Jarry is presenting Space Junkies, Outer Space and the City: Cohabitation Strategies with Interplanetary Infrastructures with Marie-Pier Boucher and Guillaume Pascale. An installation that “examines how space debris and space goodies can “forensically decode” (Schuppli, 2020) the capital and material accumulation of space exploration and its socio-environmental impacts.”.
Speculative Life member Brice Ammar-Khodja is featured with Symphony of the Stones (The Archive), an installation that “examines the correlation between the abnormally high presence of heavy metals and magnetic residues in contaminated soils. The installation explores the interconnections between urban infrastructures, pollutants, soils and living organisms by activating mineral contaminants and various extractive residues”.

From the same cluster, Thimoty Thomasson is presenting Slow Track, a work that “questions the structural and aesthetic nature of the virtual image, forgoing the excess, speed, spectacle, surrealism, sci-fi, and fantasy commonly associated with computer-generated imagery”. Alexandre Saunier and Marc-André Cossette are presenting their audiovisual performance Fragments: The Shape of Things, which “explores how automated data processing systems aestheticize human relations and global conflicts”. Saunier is also presenting his collaborative work Groundless, “a video creation that displays weightless bodies moving and morphing to the rhythm of an acoustic music soundtrack.”.
LePARC’s member Nora Gibson will be participating with the dream, an installation that “transcends boundaries of body and mind, facilitating calm through a bio-reactive feedback system.” Olivia Mc Gilchrist will be presenting her multimedia installation Virtual ISLANDs, which “explores the relationship between the experience of virtual immersion and the physicality of being submerged.”.

Elsewhere in Ars, Speculative Life member Puneet Jain will take part of the FOUNDING LAB Summer School Program, co-organized by Ars Electronica and the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria, from August 23 to September 12. As part of this project, Puneet will participate of a Collective Keynote to discuss “The University of the 21st Century”. Finally, Cristo Riffo will be featured at the Festival’s main exhibition with his work Sistema Cinco: Non-human determinations.
The annual Ars Electronica Festival is a world-renowned gathering of artists, scientists and technologists, intended as “a setting for experimentation, evaluation and reinvention”.
Learn more and read the full description of members projects at: